I’ve lived with my partner and their roommate for the past 6 (almost 7) months, but haven’t officially signed the lease - we just never really got around to it.

Clara - their roommate - is moving out the end of July (thank god). That means we get to have an office!
The actual signing of the lease sucked though.
My partner and I don’t make enough to have an apartment w/o a guarantor
(^which for some reason has to be x6 rent? Meaning one of us needs to make $96k or more…) - So we had to ask their dad… which was not-pleasant, at all.


In other news

Apparently the supreme court is perfectly okay with signing away women’s rights, here is a nice look at the response from all of us:

This is a terrible attack on human rights - women’s rights specifically - a bunch of Christian valued geriatrics got up and made this decision, and damn anyone that disagree - cause god’ll getcha

And it doesn’t stop there.
Justice Thomas already wants to go after Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell
We are actively watching our rights being taken back to the 1920’s in real-time

I already have to hear about how disgusting I am simply for existing from both my partner’s family and my own, but now I’m going to actively lose my rights? Not again.

This is where we are in the United States. Thank you, to both sides of the aisle.

On a more productive note

I went on an application spree (after a huge denial spree, of course)
23 applications - that I kept track of at least. There were a few that did not have any auto-reply (email), so I’m not entirely sure if that number is accurate.

There were a few interesting positions in there, such as an EA Internship, a remote Python dev position from Ireland, generally all of them were interesting.
(Everything interests me though, I need a job)

We’ll see what happens! Regardless, I’m committed to programming & committed to keeping this blog active.
That’s it for now :)

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