I’ve taken some time for myself lately, and have been posting less and less. My last post detailed much of the work I’ve done thus far with Charr lang, which I’ll link if you haven’t read it. That particular week that I spent working on the language was long, and I really should have paced myself as I quickly had a mental burn out. It’s really hard staying mentally motivated to do these things as job denials roll in.

That said, I took the weekend to relax a bit with my partners and spent the first two days of the week watching some anime (Tokyo Ghoul - I don’t give a fuck what anyone says, it’s a great anime. I’m a huge fan of the edgy stuff every now and then.)

In between some of that I sent a few apps into some interesting places, updated resumes to fit them, and actually received an email asking me to schedule a phone screening next week; so that is set up for the 17th - we’ll see what happens. A few other places have checked out my resume as well, so I’m hopeful to hear something from them as well.

Before going further, here’s the song of the day:

U.S. Politics of the week

It has quite honestly been a doozy of a week. The FBI, Hunter Biden, and of course the Annoying Orange have been trending all week.

No not the old YouTube skit orange, the 45th President of the United States.

So what happened?

Well on the anniversary of Nixon’s resignation, August 8th, several Federal agents executed a search warrant at one of Donald J. Trump’s estates, Mar-a-Lago.

Supposedly agents seized approximately 12-15 boxes from the estate. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, comes out of it - considering the fact that the former President himself signed a law making it a felony to take and withhold the very type of classified documents that he presumably had in his possession.

What bothers me most is the far-right wingers and how they plan to take this, specifically the ones who immediately began to decry the FBI (Very interesting how they quickly flipped from #BackTheBlue to #ACAB), and make calls for Civil War 2.0, and essentially another January 6th.

I believe that the 6th was just a beta test, the next time it happens they really going after it; and we aren’t going to like it. I just hope we have politicians in office who are of sound mind.

Interestingly enough, a lot of these people believe the FBI to be the Presidents personal police force - going as far to liken it to Hitler’s Gestapo. While I’m not entirely keen on how the FBI’s policy works in regards to politicians, particularly the President/Vice President themselves; I don’t believe they have the authority to tell a specific entity like that to jump, and the entity to respond, “How high?”.

I could be wrong. If we’re at that stage already, then we’re truly lost as a country. But the problem is that if it were possible for that to be the case - their guy did it too, and the next one will have the same ability.

Republicans are freaking out over everything right now

Whether it’s Dark Brandon sending a task force of federal agents to raid Trump’s estate, or Senile Brandon “…lying again! He’s saying Inflation is at 0% in July!”

Unfortunately, here are the numbers.

  • Month on month consumer prices rose 0% in July
    • with month on month core inflation up 0.3%
  • Year on year inflation up 5.9%

Overall: 8.5%

See chart

dark brandons numbers

I don’t know if people are blatantly spreading misinformation, don’t understand what the President is saying, or if they themselves don’t understand the numbers; either way - there you go.

A lot of this ends up coming back around to Hunter Biden

I will mention I’m not entirely up to date on the circumstances regarding his situation. With that said, they really seem to enjoy harping on the laptop and contents thereof.

From what I’ve gathered with this article what ever Hunter may have done doesn’t seem to implicate President Biden in any way, and it quite honestly doesn’t seem to be that he’s covering him or impeding an investigation.

From point #4

It’s equally remarkable that Joe Biden didn’t handpick an attorney general whom he knew would kill the criminal investigation into his son, either — and that he has taken no apparent steps to afford Hunter Biden special, kid-glove treatment since becoming president.

The difficulty of the investigation and why it may be taking so long seems to stem from point #3.

To make any criminal liability stick, prosecutors would have to show that Hunter Biden had criminal knowledge or intent, which is hard to prove — especially given Biden’s history of drugs and other personal problems.

A violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act must be “willful” — not out of clumsiness or a mistake. Likewise, for his actions to rise to the level of federal tax crimes, the government must prove willful evasion of tax payments. According to the IRS, “a mere act of willful omission” is not enough, and Hunter Biden paid back a lot of his tax liability already.

Per DOJ’s website, money laundering is only triggered if someone conducted a financial transaction “knowing that the property involved in the transaction represents the proceeds of some unlawful activity,” and with an intent to engage in the unlawful activity or to commit tax fraud, among other factors. Bribery requires the involvement of a person with fiduciary duties, such as a public official — Hunter Biden’s receipt of a diamond, without more, says little.

The public record to date doesn’t reveal evidence sufficient to prove any crime beyond a reasonable doubt (although grand juries operate in secret so it’s impossible to know). In any event, Hunter Biden’s history of drug addiction, the untimely death of his brother Beau Biden in 2015, as well as his high-conflict divorce and debt problems around the time of the CEFC engagements could undermine the government’s case regarding requisite criminal intent.

“Following the money” as it were, is not always a simple task. It can quite honestly take some time and by the end of this investigation it may yield a simple case of fraud, willful or not.

Regardless of the circumstances

If he’s found guilty, he should receive a punishment accordingly. Plain and simple. But until then, our justice system does not treat those guilty until proven innocent (At least it isn’t supposed to.)

So let the guy enjoy family vacations. If he’s done something bad, he’ll get what’s coming to him - after all a former president just had a warrant executed upon one of his homes.

Somber Trans news

For some ungodly reason, it seems like Trans news is never all that great; at least not often.

On August 5th, possibly one of the most popular activists in trans media/politics, keffals was arrested at gunpoint by London, Ontario police.

Some terrible human being sent an email impersonating her to city councilors, claiming intent to kill cis people. Throughout the arrest and subsequent interactions, not only did she fear for her life, but she was humiliated, and her & her partner’s personal items were seized for several days.

This video goes into far more detail.

Clara Sorrenti has built her platform on supporting trans positive legislation with the intent to create a better world for not only people like myself, but trans youth who are growing up seeing this world; and people hate her for it, they always have - I’ve personally witnessed her be the target of many harassment campaigns.

The crazy thing was that she had planned on taking a step back to focus on herself for a bit, and even put out a video saying as much; but as soon as she did - this happens.

Several press sources have picked up on it, and Clara plans legal action against the London police department for the discriminatory treatment she received.

Even bigger than press,

The leader of Canada’s New Democratic Party, Jagmeet Singh, is also in public support of Clara.

Less serious, but also quite sad

An underwear brand I quite loved, TomboyX, was recently discovered to be incredibly transphobic, among other things; at it’s really a shame as they sell great tucking underwear, binders, etc.

Check out this entire thread.

but here’s a few grabs:

It’s sad, and quite fucked up honestly.

What do we even do with this stuff?

These problems are so pervasive in our world. Companies all over the world are seemingly pro-LGBTQ+, and yet when you really get to the core, they treat their employees in the community terribly, or they’re misogynistic, or they cater to another entity with values the complete opposite of what they themselves espouse.

A lot of times in the gaming industry, studios are pro-women / LGBTQ+ in the workplace, but then you suddenly get ex-employees coming out with horror stories about the boys club that it is, and how the studio truly acts as a culture; or even things such as this:

and of course, the Activision/Blizzard sexual harassment.

And it’s not just in the gaming world of course.

As I linked above, Victoria’s Secret is a proponent, supposed LGBTQ+ positive outfitters are proponents; people are really shitty, and don’t do or act the way the way they outline in their company morals.

We should start an LGBTQ+ company…

…with a bunch of subsidiary companies that do different things. You want a trans-safe underwear company that makes nice tucking underwear, binders, gender neutral swimsuits?

We gotchu.

You wanna work at a game studio on a game that:

  • doesn’t give you dysphoria because it’s transphobic in some fucked way (Looking at you, CyberPunk)
  • is actually inclusive in some way, and doesn’t fetishize a character based on gender identity or sexuality?
  • where the work environment itself isn’t discriminatory?
  • feel like you can make something you’re proud of with people you enjoy being around?

We gotchu.

There’s so many ideas in my little head regarding this, everything from SaaS, Computer repair, general clothing shops, makeup suppliers, tech news, political news, so on and so forth. Each striving on the same goals, as one whole.

I realize this is a pipe dream, but it’s something to dream about. A better world I guess. It would be nice to have someone to look to and simply know that the values they preach are sincere, and what they’ve always acting on - and putting up with anything less is unacceptable.

But we simply cant. It’s easy to look at something with rose-tinted glasses and hope they’re doing the right thing.

If you’re in the donating spirit!

please go here.

Better yet, get involved :)

That’s it for today. I’ve had a lot on my mind, and it’s been an eventful week. Now hopefully I can spend sometime with my boyfriend and partner tonight. ✌️

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