After going through some messiness to get image files together on my end (GitHub doesn’t make VCS / git / imagery uploads all that easy regarding images/extensions)

However, now I have it figured out and I’ve got the Obsidian Vault / GitDesktop connected.

image of two side by side

Closer up view


git desktop

So this will be the new format

Obsidian makes this rather easy to upload MD blog posts -> Git -> Commit and finally begin the push and update the website.

Until it doesn’t work, it’s the format and I’m quite happy with it.

In other news, regarding the RSS

I’m still working on it!

It’s taking some time - and I’m trying various means. Right now I feel like pipe dream might be the way to go in regards to their API / webhook solution. But again, I’m still working that all out.

We’ll keep giving it a test and see what happens.


it works great. image of pipedream webhook

Last but not least

I’m super thankful to all my friends and their support, especially regarding my mental health last night. It’s really nice to know I have people behind me, lifting me up, when I feel this way.

In the past and even recently, dealing with agony has been hard - and I never do so in a healthy way. I don’t have therapy, but I do have people to talk to. My partner, and my friends. I know my road is long and will always be filled with pain, I hope to get healthier and happier one day.

Thank you to Alex, Kate, Amy, Sasha, Jesus, Mia, James, and Val. To those not mentioned, know I’m thinking of you as well, and you’re very special to me.

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