What to do, what to do What to do, what to do What to do, what to do….. I’m honestly not sure what to write about. I’m just trying to keep up a streak.

I was just spending some time writing Kotlin for a bit - and quite honestly got tired of it.

kt stuff

Kotlin isn’t a hard language - I love it in fact, and it’s really readable; but I’m just kinda burnt out right now. I’ve been programming my ass off for three years, filling a resume and GitHub with what I had hoped would give me a job by now but - eh. I’m just here writing a blog. It’s alright I guess.

Funny thing here.

Kate is determined to have a shoutout streak via this blog. I was pretty determined to not mention anyone in this post, however she suddenly decided to message me on Discord with the following:

I’m gonna send you a new Death and Milk piece every day because how dare you get me obsessed with them

Along with this circa 2017 D&M image.


Kate - now that you’ve got me started on Death & Milk posts today, I’m gonna share my favorites.

[LBD] | Death & Milk | Alex Sears


[LOSING TRACK] Death & Milk Alex Sears


‘Out out’ Death & Milk Alex Sears

out out

(unnamed) Death & Milk Alex Sears


(I had to begin pulling the older ones from google, and I’m not entirely sure what their names actually are.)

Death & Milk Alex Sears

not ur cutie pie

Death & Milk Alex Sears

let some light in

Death & Milk | Alex Sears (this was simply posted with the caption “rough day” on his Instagram)


Death & Milk Alex Sears

im a nightmare

Death & Milk Alex Sears

anywhere is better than here

I think…

…the reason I love Death & Milk as much as I do is because a lot of his art - especially the older works - are perfect descriptors of my emotions, and what I feel inside. They always have been.

When I look at his older works, it reminds me: I’m not well - I have some severely fucked up emotions - there’s so many things I’ve yet to work through. I’m reminded of faces and voices I’d forgotten. I’m reminded of emotions that I buried so deep, and it reminds me how desperately I wish to be anywhere than here. I echo the sentiment of many of his creations.

When I view his newer works I’m reminded of what I aspire to look like, to dress like. I find myself becoming jealous of the characters he’s created - and hope that I could one day achieve a portion the presented beauty.

As silly as it is - Alex’s art has been important to me for various reasons. Simply put - I can connect to it in ways I can’t with people. It communicates with me in ways that words often fail to do.


Well I’ve spent a significant portion of time talking about art. I suppose I should mention another form of art: Music. Today’s track is netherrealm

Hmmm (x2 Electric Boogaloo Bois)

Sexy Biden is apparently doing a thing

President Joe Biden signed an executive order Friday to protect access to abortion as he faced mounting pressure from fellow Democrats to be more forceful on the subject after the Supreme Court ended a constitutional right to the procedure two weeks ago.

I really doubt it’ll help much - it’s lack a bandaid on a GSW. Hey wait here it is:

…Biden acknowledged the limitations facing his office, saying it would require an act of Congress to restore access to abortion in the more than a dozen states where strict limits or total bans have gone into effect in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling. About a dozen more states are set to impose additional restrictions in the coming weeks and months.

The fastest way to restore Roe is to pass a national law,” Biden said. “The challenge is go out and vote. For God’s sake, there is an election in November. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote!”

fug. gUeSs We GoTtA vOtE fOr ChAnGe aGaIn here’s my last $15 mr Democrat


Apparently there was a bug in their payment authorization services, or it was plain down for some time on thursday. So people got free food all over the country.

But today…. Boi they got their world rocked.

People are now in debt. For fucking wings. But I don’t know what they expected, a business is most certainly going to get their money.

okokokokokokokokokok. I’m done with my random spewing of stuff.

Since this post is 90% D&M art, I would be remiss to not include Alex’s social links.

Death and Milk Twitter Death and Milk Instagram

Go out, kick ass, have the day you deserve >:)

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